[BETA] Promoting streamer + Linking game doesn't work (SOLVED)

Hi all,

I have converted from nightbot to nightbot beta and i would like to know if there’s any way to make my old command

(Follow fellow streamer $(touser) at twitch.tv/$(touser)! $(touser) was last playing: twitch $(twitch game $(touser)) )

work on the beta as my issue is that the game which is displayed in chat is not of the streamer i’m promoting but the game that i am currently playing.


I have found a temporary makeshift solution which is to use a custom API and rearrange the code such a way that it becomes like this

$(touser) was last playing $(customapi https://api.rtainc.co/twitch/game?channel=$(touser)). Check $(query) out at twitch.tv/$(touser)

However, I still wish that the issue will be looked into as there might be an underlying problem.

Variables are supposed to carry over seamlessly. I’ve fixed the bug causing your command not to select the right channel.

Still getting the same feedback as before.

I tried:

Follow fellow streamer $(touser) at twitch.tv/$(touser)! $(touser) was last playing: $(twitch game $(touser))

with returned response as

Follow fellow streamer void03 at twitch.tv/void03! void03 was last playing: no game

Tried this:

Follow fellow streamer $(touser) at twitch.tv/$(touser)! $(touser) was last playing: $(twitch $(touser) game)

with returned response as:

Follow fellow streamer void03 at twitch.tv/void03! void03 was last playing: Channel provided does not exist.

and lastly tried this:

Follow fellow streamer $(touser) at twitch.tv/$(touser)! $(touser) was last playing: $(customapi https://api.rtainc.co/twitch/game?channel=$(touser))

with returned response as:

Follow fellow streamer void03 at twitch.tv/void03! void03 was last playing: < br/>

Not sure where I went wrong or what did i messed up on.

It appears there was an additional bug with our variable parser itself. This has been resolved.

Thank you Night. The problem has been resolved.

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