API Response for wrong user?


I’m using the songrequests API to display the current song on a custom overlay. This has worked for many months, but today (or some time in the last couple of days) it stopped working.

The API is returning a songrequest queue, but not the one of the streamer the oauth token belongs to. It’s returning mine. I tried it with curl in a terminal to make sure it wasn’t my code, but even when I access the /me endpoint it’s returning my data, not the data of the user the token belongs to. I tried it with multiple tokens of different test accounts.

Maybe for some reason the API picks the user who registered the oauth client, instead of the user of the oauth token?

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How are you generating the OAuth2 tokens for users? Client credentials, for example, will always generate a token for the application owner. By completing the authorization or implicit code flows, the token which is generated belongs to the authorizer.

If you are still having issues, I’d recommend emailing us with more specific information (full /me response, as well as user ids) so we can take a closer look outside of this public forum.

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