The command for pubg stats doesn’t work for me.
I use: !commands add -cd=5 -ul=everyone !pubg $(urlfetch$(querystring))
and answer: No stats found for user: ExzequieL_ [Squad]
The command for pubg stats doesn’t work for me.
I use: !commands add -cd=5 -ul=everyone !pubg $(urlfetch$(querystring))
and answer: No stats found for user: ExzequieL_ [Squad]
Sounds like it’s working your probably entering the username wrong if I were to guess.
The ID is correct, the command does not work for me.
Well the only thing I can tell you to do is take it up with the people who run the API as if it’s not outputting correct information that would be an issue they can fix.
Yeah the command hasn’t been updated in years, so it’s most likely broken. It needs an update, whenever I have some free time
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