Account issues - Error when trying to link to twitch

Hey Guys,

I’m trying to link Nightbot to Twitch for the first time but when I click the authorize button I am directed to an error page:

{“message”:“Route GET:/auth/twitch/callback?error=redirect_mismatch&error_description=Parameter+redirect_uri+does+not+match+registered+URI&state=8fbd184facdfdbbbec855864bb7f95df2691299d6c6d080fa4b2f1fcae62de87 not found”,“error”:“Not Found”,“statusCode”:404}

Thank you for the assistance

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I’m having the same exact issue and i’m a recurring user, I was going in to edit and it wouldn’t let me log in.

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I’m also having the same issue except my Nightbot has already been connected to my Twitch account. Logging in via Twitch redirects me to the same error page & there seems to be further issues with Discord & roles set by Nightbot. (Sub roles on discord are not updating as of 10:11pm Jan 23)

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I’m glad this isn’t just me, I thought I was doing something wrong! I’m also unable to log in with Twitch, I managed to log in via YouTube, but I don’t stream on YouTube. I was hoping I might be able to link my Twitch once I was in that way but I couldn’t work it out. Replying here so I can follow in case there’s a quick fix I can’t figure out…

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Glad I’m not the only one, was worried I was doing something wrong, guess I’ll try again later today

Same idk why but if you know how to fix it pls tell me

We pushed some site changes tonight, and due to caching on Twitch’s authorization flow you may see mixed experiences. Be sure to try clearing your cookies and cache, and then retry if that does not work.