Ok, once again it is the easy things that escape me but after 2 days of searching and reading 50 posts that are close but I still can’t get it to respond the way I want…
This is the code I have working now
$(eval cards = $(urlfetch json https://pastebin.com/raw/M58LaWUF); pick = cards[Math.floor(Math.random() * cards.length)]; $(user), your energy sent ${pick.name}! which is ${pick.meaning}.
This reads the pastebin and returns random values…
“name”: “Adamite”,
“meaning”: “The Stone of Playful Nature”
“name”: “Aegirine”,
“meaning”: “The Stone of Conviction”
“name”: “Agate”,
“meaning”: “The Stone of Inner Stability”
“name”: “Almandine”,
“meaning”: “The Stone of Truth”
What I am attempting to do is return a specific value on user input
EX User1: Agate
Nightbot: $(user) You asked for Agate and it is The Stone of Playful Nature
Any guidance is appreciated - JTS