2 problems with AutoDJ

Hey. I tried to use AutoDJ today and it doesn’t start playing after someone ordered a song at the time when playlist was empty. Page https://beta.nightbot.tv/song_requests was opened on my side. But it doesn’t auto-update, i have to update it manually to start playllist. This doesn’t seems right. I tried Firefox, Chrome and even DeepBot Alpha for Windows - same result.

Second problem. I can’t create an alias for !requestsong command. My command is !sr and alias string was: !requestsong $(query). The bot says: There was an error requesting the song. Error: Video too long (10 min max). But song length is fine and it works with !requestsong command.

!sr is already an alias that is able to be used with nightbot to request songs, you don’t need to do anything special there.

I’ll do some testing to see if i can reproduce the first issue you described, i don’t normally have my playlist empty.

I also wanted to add !requestsong aliases in language of my audience. So second problem is not solved.

Well the method for doing the second one is pretty simple, here is a command you can type in chat that will do what you need:

!commands add ![command name] -a=!songs request $(query)

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