!wins $(count) problem

Hey. I have a problem.

So I am trying to set 3 commands.

!commands add !setwins streamer has won $(count) times today in Fortnite. -ul=moderator

This command should always add +1 in to a count. But I need to set also !wins command which shows the current count but not changing it.

Then I also need !resetwins command which will reset that counter back to 0 untill moderator types !setwins.

Now I am using it like this but I have to do it manually.

!commands add !wins Streamer has won 0 times today in Fortnite.

!commands add !setwins -ul=moderator -a=!commands edit !wins Streamer has won $(query) times today in Fortnite.

!commands add !wins streamer has won 0 times today in Fortnite.
!commands add !addwin -ul=moderator -a=!commands edit !wins streamer has won $(count) times today in Fortnite.
!commands add !resetwins -ul=moderator -a=!commands edit !addwin \-c=-1

You have to type !addwin after !resetwins in order for !wins to be changed to “streamer has won 0 times today in Fortnite.”

I will try. Thank you so much :slight_smile:

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