Warzone Stats Command Help

Hey @StealthSan!

Please link the post you’re referring to, I assume it’s this one, but I may be mistaken.

The first command formats the data in such way the API can use it, we could use the input of the that command, but luckily for us, the API has that data stored too, you can fetch it like the rest of the data, but we’ll have to modify the second command a bit:

$(eval a=$(urlfetch json https://api.tracker.gg/api/v2/warzone/standard/profile/$(query)).data; u=a.platformInfo.platformUserHandle; s=a.segments[0].stats; r=s.kdRatio.value; k=s.kills.value; d=s.deaths.value; dw=s.downs.value; w=s.wins.value; whp=s.weeklyHeadshotPct.value; wkdr=s.weeklyKdRatio.value; `${u}: Wins: ${w} | Kills: ${k} | Downs: ${dw} | Deaths: ${d} | K/D Ratio: ${r} | Weekly K/D Ratio: ${wkdr} | Weekly Headshot %: ${whp}%`)