Vaughn Whiskey's Makeshift Twitch Highlight Reminder Command

I know making a highlights is a pain in the butt and I am always trying to find a new way to make sure myself has every highlight time marked down but sometimes it is harder to do then say. I always wrote down my times on paper with pen but sometimes you get caught in the game and your MODS need to mark times for you.

Well I came up with a short video showing how I mark my highlight times using a simple UPTIME command that is already live with Nightbot.

The basic command I use is

!addcom !highlight This Is A Highlight Reminder $(twitch $(channel) "{{uptimeLength}}")

But you can make it MOD only by adding


and one of the “Levels” such as owner, mod and regular

So your code would end up looking like this

!addcom -ul=mod !highlight This Is A Highlight Reminder $(twitch $(channel) "{{uptimeLength}}")

Then whenever you put the command !highlight, it will mark the time roughly in your Chatty chat logs and be used to make highlights later.

Vaughn Whiskey

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Bot Nightbot: Create Highlight Remote Server Returned Code 404
Error 404 Not Found

The uptime link used in this has been removed, refer to this other post to remake it:

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Now i want to show the highlight. How to do it?