Using !addcom !command1 -a=!editcom !command2 *
, I can edit a command using another command. My issue here is if I replace *
with my $(urlfetch url)
, !command2
will be edited to only the result of said UrlFetch. My goal is to edit !command2
into the actual UrlFetch, so it gets called each time !command2
is executed.
To visualize a bit better: !addcom !command1 -a=!editcom !command2 $(urlfetch url)
will result in:
Command | Message
!command1 | !editcom !command2 [urlfetch]
!command2 | result
What I actually want is:
Command | Message
!command1 | !editcom !command2 $(urlfetch url)
!command2 | [urlfetch]
Is this possible? I imagine I somehow have to turn the UrlFetch into some sort of plain text, or escape it somehow?