Useful Custom APIs

I’m trying to make commands on a friends channel and whenever I make a command with one of the customapi’s Nightbot responds with the link instead of in chat. How do I fix this problem since I assume it can be fixed since I had the same problem with !uptime before my friend fixed it. Any help would be greatly appreciated :smiley:

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Make sure your using the CustomAPI correctly:

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Do you have an API where a “nightbot” keyword command can create random and multiple responses from Nightbot?
I know i have seen it on several twitch channels. looking for the API

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Use this for reference, as this worked for me:

!addcom !8ball $(customapi

If I understand you correctly, you’re looking for the choose API (I forgot to add this one) -,Choice+2,Choice+3

(Keep in mind that in a URL, spaces should be replaced with +)

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That example will choose from the choices, Choice 1, Choice 2, and Choice 3. Just separate the choices by commas and replace spaces with +.


Is there a way to decrease the cooldown time for using commands?

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That’s on Nightbot’s end, not mine. As far as I know, there’s two cooldowns. One cooldown for using the same command (which you can modify at and another, non-modifiable cooldown for identical messages sent to a channel.

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A custom API for the total moderator count in a set channel. :smiley:

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I have a question about the API:

If I wanna make it so that I can target other channels, and see how long I’ve been following them, what do I change the “CHANNEL” for then?
I’ve been doing like this:

$(user) has been following channel $(touser) for $(customapi$(user))

But that doesn’t seem to be working :confused:

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You want to use a touser to select the channel.

$(user) has been following channel $(touser) for $(customapi$(touser)&user=$(user)).

Good luck.

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When I type like you wrote, this comes:
“Nightbot: Artiiz has been following channel Sodapoppin for Sodapoppin is not following.”

I’ve done like this:
“!addcom !followage $(user) has been following channel $(touser) for $(customapi$(touser)&user=$(user)).”

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That command you’ve posted works perfectly.
Make sure you have the right $(touser) and $(user) in the right places.

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It worked, thank you so much :smile:

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This isn’t exposed through the Twitch API. The only way I could do this is by having a bot join a Twitch chat, send /mods to the chat, wait for a response, then relay the response on the web server. Needless to say, it would be difficult and exploitable. Sorry.

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Thanks for these custom APIs, was wondering if there could be one set up that connects to a word/quote of the day website to bring back the actual word/quote, not just a website link?

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Depends on the site. Just tell me what site you’re talking about and I’ll see if I can make an API for it.

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I was thinking of BrainyQuotes quote of the day: Thanks!

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Done :smile:
You can choose from the BrainyQuote categories.

If you’re wondering, I’m changing the url from to The previous url will work for the foreseeable future, but updating would be appreciated.


This is awesome thank you so much!


Following up on the quote command - I put in the url in the customapi command and I noticed that it puts “
” at the end of the quote when I enter the command in chat?

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