Never mind i have just learned that $(customapi) is now $(urlfetch) and was able to create a command that tells how long the account has been made for without using an api in a format such as “1 year 1 month 1 week 1 minute 1 second” if anybody wants to know the code for the command its
!addcom !created $(twitch $(touser ) “{{displayName}} was created {{createdLength}} ago”)
Im still working on how long someone has been following the specified channel for in the same format as the above instead of a date
So my commands aren’t working anymore. The randomizer is just showing an error. Is there a way to fix it? Here’s a couple of the commands that were working but aren’t anymore.
Yes, this customapi has been down for a while and it doesn’t look like it will be coming back. If you state what you are trying to solve many other people have made customapi’s to replace these ones though.
If you’re twitch channel is the same as here (kronicaim) then your nightbot command is set to check the wrong channel. It is looking for kronic not kronicaim for the twitch variable its usually a good idea to just use $(channel) for your channel name.