Useful Custom APIs

Never mind i have just learned that $(customapi) is now $(urlfetch) and was able to create a command that tells how long the account has been made for without using an api in a format such as “1 year 1 month 1 week 1 minute 1 second” if anybody wants to know the code for the command its

!addcom !created $(twitch $(touser ) “{{displayName}} was created {{createdLength}} ago”)

Im still working on how long someone has been following the specified channel for in the same format as the above instead of a date

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nice, i was looking for that command to check how long an user exist!

for followage i’m using this: !howlong has suddenly stop working!

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Would anyone have or be able to create a custom API for returning the quote of the day text from a website? Thanks!

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So my commands aren’t working anymore. The randomizer is just showing an error. Is there a way to fix it? Here’s a couple of the commands that were working but aren’t anymore.

$(user) challenges $(touser) to a pokemon battle! $(urlfetch[0]&choices=$(user),$(touser)) is the victor!

$(touser) now wields the $(urlfetch[0]&choices=Kingdom Key,Oathkeeper,Oblivion,Ultima Weapon,Keyblade of People’s Hearts,Lady Luck,Olympia, Jungle King,Three Wishes,Pumpkinhead,Wishing Star,Crabclaw,Fairy Harp,Divine Rose,Spellbinder,Metal Chocobo,Lionhearted,Diamond Dust,One-Winged Angel,Soul Eater,Bond of Flame,Follow the Wind,Hidden Dragon,Monochrome,Photon Debugger,Star Seeker,Maverick Flare,Total Eclipse,Midnight Roar,Two Become One,Star Seeker)!

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The Rtainc APIs are not working anymore, if you scroll up in this thread you’ll see alternatives for the random command:

So this eval isn’t working ether…

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Its working fine, what kind of command do you need?

Anyone have a Returns the channel’s follower count. api?

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Try this

$(twitch YOUR_NAME "{{displayName}} has {{followers}} followers")

Replace “YOUR_NAME” with your twitch channel of course.

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Appreciate my dude it worked just fine

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When i try to use the token link gives me a page not found error.

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Yes, this customapi has been down for a while and it doesn’t look like it will be coming back. If you state what you are trying to solve many other people have made customapi’s to replace these ones though.

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Oh well shoot, I was trying to have the Total Sub count command. If anybody has a nice one that would be amazing.

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Nightbot already has a way to access the twitch subcount using the $(twitch) variable, the docs are here:

Thank you, I tried using that command line but kept getting “Only the current channel’s subscribers count can be checked.” in response.

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Yes… you can’t check the subscriber count of other channels.

Its my channel my requesting for haha

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If you’re twitch channel is the same as here (kronicaim) then your nightbot command is set to check the wrong channel. It is looking for kronic not kronicaim for the twitch variable its usually a good idea to just use $(channel) for your channel name.

Dunno if you found a fix and its longtime dead post but I just swapped up the 8ball commands

/me $(eval var sayings = [’$(user) shot themself! OhMyDog’, ‘$(user) fired a blank.’, ‘$(user) fired a blank.’, ‘$(user) fired a blank.’, ‘$(user) fired a blank.’, “$(user) fired a blank.”]; sayings[Math.floor(Math.random() * sayings.length)]:wink:

not a pro nightbot person. just mod for small channels.

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Does anyone know how if it’s possible to create a queue that allows viewers to add their name and be ‘next on the list to play’?

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