Useful Custom APIs

I pushed an update, let me know if that helps.

I added a &exlude= parameter which supports groups (mods, nonmods) and usernames.

While Aaron128l answer -> $(twitch $(channel) ā€œ{{game}}ā€) will absolutely do the job (I use something similar often), Im curious if there is an API that does return the LAST game played in a target channel, not the CURRENT game. It might be handy to know.

This is often used in shoutout commands and that is often done when the target person ends their stream and hosts another, so are not CURRENTLY playing anything.

That worked, thank you much!

Iā€™m creating a command to return how long a users channel has existed !addcom !created $(customapi$(touser)?format=[0]'s+account+has+existed+for+[1]) but once Iā€™ve added it I get the response ā€˜B0zzarā€™s account has existed forā€™ with no time on the end, I canā€™t seem to figure it out

It works!! Thank you.

Can you create a command that like gives a cooldown to a command?

Just add -cd=x to have a cooldown of x seconds.


!commands add !test -cd=90 Stuff

Not quite sure whatā€™s going on here - The ā€œI chooseā€ has thrown itself into every one of my ā€œchoiceā€ commands, of which I have a lot serving different purposes. Iā€™m trying to get it to go away for a ā€œrate meā€ command, for instance, andā€¦

$(user), $(ā€¦+[0]&choices= AllMyChoices)

keeps returning an invalid variable. Iā€™ll be honest, I donā€™t really understand what the numbers are for but removing it doesnā€™t help.

The format seems correct, but you forgot the urlfetch part:
$(urlfetch http://link-here)

oh youā€™re right thanks ily

can you tell me how to get custom api for showing how long channel has been existing? because the APi that is written here is brokenā€¦ or doesn`t workā€¦ but when i type it on nightbot and test it on my channel it doesnt show me anything)

Hello i have been using the old followage api it recently told me to update to the newest api but everytime i try using the newest one it replies back saying viewer is not following the channel when the viewer is following the channel? Any insight on this or able to help me in general
old api:
$(touser) has been following Killjoy272 for [$(customapi$(touser))]
The message i get after using this command:[2]
Message i get when i ā€œupdateā€ it:
cris50077 has been following Killjoy272 for [VIEWER isnā€™t following CHANNEL]

Are you properly replacing the variables in the new command? It should look something like this when its done:

!commands add !followage $(touser) has been following for [$(urlfetch$(channel)/followers/$(touser)?format=[2])]

That command is copy-pastable, add any arguments you need or rename it.

yea i scrolled up to a previous about this and saw a fix so it seems to be working now thanks for the help

The status API will return what game the user was playing even when theyā€™re offline; use format=[1] to return just the game.

@b0zzar and @nikp190 try this:[0]'s+account+has+existed+for+[2]

Is there a command to see if someone is just following? I donā€™t want the date or time they followed.

Hi is there a way to remove the role from the random viewer api

Can someone help me with the sub count command, my friend just got his sub button and wants a command in chat for his count

I canā€™t get the Follower count command to work.
I have this: !count The follower count for this channel is $(customapi[0]+has+[1]+followers.
Does not work, maybe Iā€™m doing something wrong?