Useful Custom APIs

Is there a way for a command to pull a random Twitch emote, aside from typing them all out in a long choice list that would have to be updated manually as Twitch emotes change?

@rtainc can you tell me how did you create the 8ball api, i really want to create my custom api such as 8ball one

You can view this post where examples are made using PHP,

austin_and_gaming has been following for [Response must be less than 400 characters] is the message I got whan I did the Returns how long USER has been following CHANNEL. what I did for the command is * !editcom !howlong $(touser) has been following for $(customapi$(touser)) * help

Iā€™m getting the same error messge today. When I put the URL into my browser I end up with:
Error 521
Web server is down

Host error

Perhaps has been shut off. :frowning:

Can u tell me how to put how long a follower has been following

This is from the direct post:

Hey everyone, Iā€™ve been having some personal issues lately but Iā€™m back full-time now. If you have any impending questions or requests, please reply to this message or PM me so I can get to it ASAP.


Probably because you have a space between the name= and the variable $(touser)

I think itā€™s because you have a ā€œ?ā€ after the channel name making a total of two (2) ā€œ?ā€ in the URL, there should only be 1, anything else should be separated by a ā€œ&ā€.$(channel)&token=TOKEN&name=$(touser)
Hopefully thatā€™s what will help you. Fingers crossed

iā€™ve said this in another post, but for ā€œCHANNELā€ it is easier to just edit the whole thing to $(channel) and $(touser), seeing as that is how nightbot calls it, and this is a nightbot forum

Is there a way to show host alerts and for how many people?

hi fellas i want my followers to be able to type !FC for follower check and for it to display how many hours and minutes they have been watching me for! does anyone know were i can get thisā€¦ i am a bit stuck with what i use in the message box on nightbot panelā€¦ in command i will have !fc ā€¦ any help be greatly appreciated

This isnā€™t possible as Nightbot (and the API) donā€™t track viewer length

you could use this ( but i prefer the !check command too. Iā€™m searching for it soo much but canā€™t find it tell me if you found it and how can i do it.

Hi, could you create an API that shows how many times a user has been banned/timed-out in a specific channel? A friend of mine said she saw a command like this in another streamā€™s chat, but couldnā€™t remember who. For instance, you would type !banned and it would respond: $(touser) has been banned ā€œxā€ times. Iā€™ve been searching for this for a while and my soul simply will not be complete until I find it.

Could someone please create a custom api for command !check which would check if a user is linked to steam. Now i use twitchchecker. And wanted to make an api that would take to this twitchchecker url and then automaticly tell you if a user is linked to steam. I would like the command like this !check (username).
Thanks and Best Regards!

I found the right followage command : ā€œYOURNAMEā€, $(touser) has been following for $(urlfetch$(touser)&channel=$(channel)&format=daysint) days!
Enjoy !

Actually found a better one here that says it in days weeks months and years : $(touser) has been following yourchannelname for [$(customapi$(touser))]ā€¦thats it just change the yourchannelname to your channel name.

I founndddd it : !addcom !check Linked steam $(customapi$(1))
I hope you appreciate it cause i was searching it just for you like 2 daysss.