Useful Custom APIs

I am trying to make a command based off of quote that lets me change what the query is, and I was hoping I could get some help.

The goal is a !mods [game] command, but I just dont know where to start in changing the limited access I have to the API. Even just pointing me at a scripting tutorial would be great! Thanks for your work!

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Hello, I’m new to Nightbot. I’ve seen a couple of channels using the random choice api and I’m not sure how to set it up.
I want my channel to randomly choose a key blade from Kingdom Hearts that my viewers will wield in the chat.
I want to use the command !keyblade and then the response would be $(touser) now wields the (random key blade)
Can someone help me start the set up?

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You would use this custom api to achieve this:

The command should look something like this:

!commands add !keyblade $(touser) now weilds the $(urlfetch[0]&choices=CHOICES) key blade.

Be sure to replace the ‘CHOICES’ in the url with the words you want to randomly generate seperated by commas.

You can read more about the urlfetch variable here.:thumbsup:


Oh this is perfect, thank you!


I’ve noticed some streamers are able to change the name of their Nightbot? How is that possible? (Example: My friend whom I can’t get ahold of has her Nightbot come up as Ambot.)

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This is not currently possible, it may be in future however there currently isn’t an eta.

Ambot is not Nightbot under a different name, it’s a seperate bot your friend probably added or coded themselves.

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I’m looking for a command that one person challenges a specific viewer to a fight and then nightbot chooses a winner from the two if that is possible. Thank you for your time.
Example: !duel Talon
Narutia challenged Talon to a keyblade duel!
Talon is the victor!

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You can use the variables $(user) and $(touser) in the custom API url, like this:

!commands add !duel $(user) challenges $(touser) to a keyblade duel! $(urlfetch[0]&choices=$(user),$(touser)) is the winner!

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Awesome, thank you so much!


Hello, I’ve been trying to make something for my channel with the random choice API, but I have no idea how to get it to work, could anybody help me on this matter?

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Something like this:

!commands add !random $(urlfetch[0]&choices=a,b,c)

Now replace a b c with options you would the command to display.

The response for subbage(sub length) doesnt work correctly. It responds with incorrect values. Subs with 3 month sub badge get a response that they have been subbed for 2 months or sometimes way less. We have tried changing the token but it shows same data. What could be the problem?

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I’ve noticed this myself, and I think I know what’s happening.

When a subscriber renews a subscription, it will say “3-Month Subscriber” when they’ve only been subscribed for 2 months because they’ve paid for the third month and are going into the 3rd month. Alerts will say 3 months, but the sub length will accurately show the 2 months that the sub has currently served.

As for less time being shown, I’ve noticed that any of my subscribers that subscribe with Prime never show an accurate sub length. I think Prime does something weird with the sub renewal process that only reflects in sub length. The alerts and badges still reflect their accurate subscription length.

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No, I meant that it shows a 3 month sub badge but when the person uses the command, it shows he/she is a 2 month sub or way less. Even when the broadcaster uses the command its way off. It seems to be stuck.

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I believe what I said still applies. I have noticed that my Subscribers will have a 3-month badge, but the command will say the subscriber has only been a sub for 2 months. In actuality, I think they’re both correct. Twitch counts the sub ahead of time, meaning when a sub resubscribed, Twitch adds that prepaid month to their sub anniversary. The command, however only counts the number of days they have actually been a sub, not the prepaid days…This is why the command is always a month off. If it’s more than a month off, I’ve always noticed that the sub is subbed with Prime. I think Prime doesn’t keep track of sub lengths correctly.

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Is anyone else getting an error message when trying to use the API, a lot of my commands have broken and just return: “[Error Connecting To Remote Server - Error Connecting To Remote Server].” I was just wondering if there is a fix for it.

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ya , it is an error, hope the host can repair it as soon as possible

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Keep getting the “Error Connecting To Remote Server” error

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No, Twitch prime doesnt do that because it happens to almost every sub. The same goes for subbing for more months. Even the broadcaster gets incorrect data, which is what I have mentioned before. The broadcaster isnt subbed to himself, he cant extend it. He is considered his own sub on twitch though, but the command still returns incorrect data. If you pay for more months, you dont get the badge because thats not how it works. You just paid for more months. Its broken for subs.

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Does anyone know a way of doing !followage or !subs and it shows you your current amount of YOUTUBE subs or your lasted video etc

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