Hey @lillezon!
Okay, I made you a command that would convert 1 hour 50 minutes 20 seconds
to 12 hours 52 minutes 20 seconds
as I think that’s what you’re looking for.
There could be some errors if the command is called at 0 minute/second/etc as it simply removes the value instead of giving a 0, so that gives ~0.02% of errors. Since it could be “minute” or “minutes” I didn’t have enough room to include the tests required to make it perfect.
One solution would have been to create a Pastebin to fit the more complete code, but I tried to keep it as simple as possible to only use Nightbot, that said I didn’t manage to make it fit under 500 characters, so we’ll be using an alias command as well.
So here are the commands, just copy/paste them in your chat:
!addcom !dogy -a=_dogy $(eval t=`$(twitch $(channel) "{{uptimeLength}}")`.replace(/\s?year(s)?/,``).replace(/\s?month(s)?/,``).replace(/\s?day(s)?/,``).replace(/\s?hour(s)?/,``).replace(/\s?minutes(s)?/,``).replace(/\s?second(s)?/,``).split(` `);t.reverse();m=[1,60,3600,86400,2592000,31536000];for(i=0;i<t.length;i++){t[i]=Number(t[i])*m[i]*7;}s=t.reduce((a,b)=>a+b);m.reverse();c=[];for(i=0;i<m.length;i++){c.unshift(Math.floor(s/m[i]));s=s%m[i];}c.join(`|`);)
!addcom _dogy $(eval q=`$(query)`.split(`|`);`${q[5]} year(s) ${q[4]} month(s) ${q[3]} days(s) ${q[2]} hour(s) ${q[1]} minute(s) ${q[0]} second(s)`)
The command you use to convert the time in dog time is !dogy
If you don’t plan on streaming more than 24h ever, we can simplify the commands down to one command:
!addcom !dogy $(eval t=`$(twitch $(channel) "{{uptimeLength}}")`.replace(/\s?hour(s)?/,``).replace(/\s?minutes(s)?/,``).replace(/\s?second(s)?/,``).split(` `);t.reverse();m=[1,60,3600,86400];for(i=0;i<t.length;i++){t[i]=Number(t[i])*m[i]*7;}s=t.reduce((a,b)=>a+b);m.reverse();c=[];for(i=0;i<m.length;i++){c.unshift(Math.floor(s/m[i]));s=s%m[i];}`${c[3]} days(s) ${c[2]} hour(s) ${c[1]} minute(s) ${c[0]} second(s)`)
If you think you’ll do more than 24h a few times, but never more than 4 days in a row, you can use this one:
!addcom !dogy $(eval t=`$(twitch $(channel) "{{uptimeLength}}")`.replace(/\s?day(s)?/,``).replace(/\s?hour(s)?/,``).replace(/\s?minutes(s)?/,``).replace(/\s?second(s)?/,``).split(` `);t.reverse();m=[1,60,3600,86400];for(i=0;i<t.length;i++){t[i]=Number(t[i])*m[i]*7;}s=t.reduce((a,b)=>a+b);m.reverse();c=[];for(i=0;i<m.length;i++){c.unshift(Math.floor(s/m[i]));s=s%m[i];}`${c[3]} days(s) ${c[2]} hour(s) ${c[1]} minute(s) ${c[0]} second(s)`)