Unable to get Nightbot in my YouTube channel


So I’ve followed all the steps on Nightbot website however it doesn’t seem to want to my join my channel. Steps I’ve taken:

Adding nightbot as mod on YouTube
Told it to join the channel
Tried these steps again while being live
Tested with commands and partipication list that it’s not joining

Any reasons why this wouldn’t be working? I’d really appreciate a response to this.

Kind regards,


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Bump on this, still having troubles getting nightbot to enter the channel.

In general when Nightbot doesn’t work on YouTube it’s due to a few reasons:

  • Nightbot doesn’t see your stream is live
  • Nightbot doesn’t have permission to chat
  • Nightbot doesn’t have permission to read chat

The first in the list is caused by your stream not being set to public or YouTube not reporting your stream as live to Nightbot. The latter issue cannot be fixed by us and you’re SOL. Sometimes if you run a 24/7 stream you can restart your stream and YouTube will report it to us.

The second in the list is caused by Nightbot being banned from chat or not being a moderator in chat.

The third in the list is caused by Nightbot being banned from chat.

A good place to start looking if you’re still having issues would be the logs: https://nightbot.tv/logs If you see logs in this list for your stream, Nightbot is reading the chat and should be replying. If you don’t see replies it’s generally because it isn’t a mod, some YouTube spam protection is filtering its response, or you are looking Top Chat not Live Chat.

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