Two things, individual usage and days in a row

I have two commands im trying to fix/get working

how to make a command that counts the number of days i have streamed in a row
which would look like “!streak” Fatal has streamed … days in a row with an average of … hours" (if there’s a way to put an average here then sure but if not i’ll just guesstimate) followed by emotes

the second one is i have a command that is a “!coffeedate” which at this point in time counts how many times anyone has used it, i am looking for it to go from that to saying “specific user has had a coffeedate with Fatal … number of times” followed by emotes
Basically for an individual user increase not a any user one

please and thank you

Either of these would be nontrivial to build right now without custom APIs.

  1. Twitch does not expose your past streams via API, so that would require you to manually log this information into some kind of external database, and then query it with Nightbot.
  2. Nightbot does not support count storage by user right now, so that would also require you to store this information into some kind of external database, and then query it with Nightbot.

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