$(twitch) when part of another variable

I’m having some trouble using $(twitch) in urlfetch when it’s part of something else like eval or querystring


$(urlfetch something/?twitch=$(twitch $(query) “{{name}}”))

Does not work:

$(urlfetch something/?twitch=$(querystring $(twitch $(query) “{{name}}”)))
$(eval data=$(urlfetch json something?twitch=$(twitch $(query) “{{name}}”)))

In the former case I get the data I want to send to the remote service (i.e. the user name referenced) while in both of the two other cases, the remote service receives “Unknown Twitch Channel”.

Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong? I’m effectively using this to lowercase the username, so I’m also open to other suggestions to achieve that result.

(Note I had to edit the urls to make the forum spam filter happy; Of course I am actually querying proper URLs)

Upon further inspection it seems that nightbot does not parse variables deeply enough. Something like:

$(urlfetch something/twitch=$(querystring $(querystring $(query)))) results in the remote service receiving “$(query)” (albeit urlencoded twice of course).


You are correct. Nightbot currently only allows for 2 levels of variable nesting, and beyond that, variables don’t resolve properly. For example, in your command setups, the $(twitch) variable will attempt to search up the channel name of a Twitch account literally called “$(query)” which will result in the $(twitch) variable resolving to “Unknown Twitch Channel”.

Also, in case you are wondering, this is not a bug of any sort. It’s an intentional restriction.

Argh, thanks. I understand the need to limit this, but as demonstrated both by myself and the thread you reference, 2 layers is exactly one layer too shallow. At least I can’t think of a way to change the data in variables passed to $(urlfetch) without this type of nesting.

You could work around it with command aliases, where you have commands passing input to other commands. This could eliminate the need to have variable nesting further than 2 levels.

Take the command responses you gave in your first post:

Let this response be for a command called !cmd1

$(urlfetch ...?twitch=$(querystring $(twitch $(query) "{{name}}")))

Let this response be for a command called !cmd2

$(eval data=$(urlfetch json ...?twitch=$(twitch $(query) "{{name}}")))

We can change !cmd1 into a working command setup by splitting it into two commands, !cmd1 and _cmd1, with !cmd1 aliased to (and therefore passing input to) _cmd1

!addcom -cd=5 !cmd1 -a=_cmd1 $(querystring $(twitch $(query) "{{name}}"))
!addcom -cd=5 _cmd1 $(urlfetch ...?twitch=$(query))

!cmd1 looks up the name given in the user’s input, URLencodes the name, and passes it to _cmd1 which performs a $(urlfetch) with the passed result.

We can do something similar with !cmd2 by splitting it into two commands, !cmd2 and _cmd2, with !cmd2 aliased to _cmd2

!addcom -cd=5 !cmd2 -a=_cmd2 $(urlfetch json ...?twitch=$(twitch $(query) "{{name}}"))
!addcom -cd=5 _cmd2 $(eval data = $(query); //some other code here, presumably)

!cmd2 looks up the name given in the user’s input, performs a $(urlfetch) with the name, and passes the $(urlfetch) result to _cmd2 which will probably run some JS script to manipulate the information in the passed result.

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Oh clever, I’ll try that. Thank you.

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