I am very new to how commands work for nightbot. I want a command that sends a message with a random element. Due to the command length I have been trying to use $(urlfetch json). It’s also my first time using javascript (and I havent coded in 3 years).
Here is the Command:
Hi $(touser). Someone has requested a random gift for YOU! You have received: $(eval $(urlfetch json a = Math.floor(Math.random() * 6;if (a == 0){`Nothing!`}else if (a == 1){` - Pastebin.com))
Here is the Linked Code:
a = Math.floor(Math.random() * 6;
if (a == 0){`Nothing!`}
else if (a == 1){
`Tramatic Childhood Experience: `;
b = Math.floor(Math.random() * 5);
trauma = ["Coal for Christmas","A Broken Arm","Messed up Solo at Band Concert","Parents Fighting","A Dead Carnival Goldfish"];
} else if (a==2){
`Tarot Serenade: `;
c = Math.floor(Math.random() * 22);
tarot = ["The Fool - https://bit.ly/3ytJQGY","The Magician - https://bit.ly/3N9Vn2v","The High Priestess - https://bit.ly/3M6Fw4C","The Empress - https://bit.ly/3l0Zv8Y","The Emperor - https://bit.ly/38drGyN","The Hierophant - https://bit.ly/3M3miwH","The Lovers - https://bit.ly/3KXBLx3","The Chariot - https://bit.ly/3M6HTo2","Strength - https://bit.ly/3L45eoT","The Hermit - https://bit.ly/3kVSbLP","Wheel of Fortune - https://bit.ly/3N9YqaX","Justice - https://bit.ly/3L7gAIK","The Hanged Man - https://bit.ly/3Fx77cJ","Death - https://bit.ly/3wch4JH","Temperance - https://bit.ly/3yBHrKi","The Devil - https://bit.ly/3yBHrKi","The Tower - https://bit.ly/37F1iNW","The Star - https://bit.ly/3stefBp","The Moon - https://bit.ly/3w0OuL6","The Sun - https://bit.ly/3w32OCK","Judgement - https://bit.ly/39SJbVr","The World - https://bit.ly/3M38vWQ"];
} else if (a==3) {
d = Math.floor(Math.random() * 99);
d = d+2
` Hip Hip Hurray(s)!`;
} else if (a==4) {
prize = ["A Brand New Car!","An all Expenses Paid Trip to Disney World!","A Cruise in the Bahammas!","One Million Dollars!"];
e = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4);
} else {`HUGS!!!`}