Streamhero advertisement suddenly appeared as command?


I’m a mod in a channel. All of the sudden there is a command on a timer we can’t remove promoting StreamHero in the chat using the Nightbot account.

This seems to be some sort of breach of the nightbot account, as we do NOT want that command in the channel and it’s not visible in the dashboard.

Does anyone else notice this and know a way how to remove it?

Thanks in advance.

@sampie2611 Heya! This kinda not possible, ask the owner to double-check the timers and the commands. It’s a bot, a real bot, it can’t do anything without our instruction.

We found out the issue. Suddenly Streamhero was connected to her nightbot dashboard. How that happened? We have no idea… But it’s removed for now

@sampie2611 I believe StreamHero uses Laravel-PHP as a bridge to connect Nightbot to perform timer ads.

Adapted from the androidbeet’s github who is part of StreamHero team: laravel-nightbot/Nightbot.php at master · androidbeet/laravel-nightbot · GitHub and laravel-nightbot/nightbot.php at master · androidbeet/laravel-nightbot · GitHub

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