Spellcast Operation to add list of responses

I again have been racking my brain trying increase the functions of some of my nightbot games such as cast a spell. The original code is not mine but it does function as written

$(user) Casts a Spell on $(touser) it backfires and turns them into a $(eval a=[Bull Frog,Swing Set,Prickly Cactus,Sasquatch,Pumpkin,73 Pinto,Wet Noodle];a[Math.floor(Math.random()*a.length)])!

I was attempting to add a % to cast so say 20% of the time it would WORK and the other 80% of the time it would display one of the backfire results. To which I found a hit or miss code

$(user) Throws a dart at the bullseye $(eval var roll = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100) + 1; if (roll <= 20) { “YOU HIT THE Bulls Eye! GREAT SHOT” } else { “U MISSED. Please try Again” })

and with help here from great people that works as intended…

Now comes the part I just can’t seem to get an understanding for. Ideally I want to combine the code from both of these into one function the following is as far as I got after a few days of driving myself batty I thought I would ask here…

Following is my horrible attempt at combining the two codes into a working one…

$(user) Casts a Spell on $(touser) $(eval var roll = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100) + 1; if (roll <= 20) { “The SPELL WORKS and turns $(tuser) into a God/Godess” } else { it backfires and turns $(touser) into a $(eval a=[Bull Frog,Swing Set,Prickly Cactus,Sasquatch,Pumpkin,73 Pinto,Wet Noodle];a[Math.floor(Math.random()*a.length)] })

any help on this is greatly appreciated.

Hey @Jeffrey_TheSeer!

Here it is!

$(eval r = Math.floor(Math.random() * 5) + 1; b = ['Bull Frog', 'Swing Set', 'Prickly Cactus', 'Sasquatch', 'Pumpkin', '73 Pinto', 'Wet Noodle']; `$(user) Casts a Spell on $(touser)... ${r === 1 ? 'The SPELL WORKS and turns $(touser) into a Deity!' : 'It backfires and turns $(touser) into a ' + b[Math.floor(Math.random() * b.length)] + '.'}`;)

20/80 has the same ratio as 1/4, that’s why I’m only generating a random number up to 5 and check for r === 1, that simplifies the code a bit.
Also, I took the liberty to replace “God/Goddess” with “Deity” as it’s gender neutral, but feel free to revert my change.

That is the ticket and it works very well.

I ended up finally making an even more optioned version that I made work by constructing it from one of your past efforts. Once upon a time I could do this in my sleep but I am very grateful for your help…

Here is that code I put together using 3 sets arguments by your simple guidance

$(user) Casts a Spell on $(touser) and it $(eval const a = [Works but ,Works PERFECTLY sort of ,Fails yet ]; const b = [bounces off the wall and ,hits the ceiling and ,Fizzles out and ]; const c = [turns $(user) into a frog,turns $(touser) into a Sasquatch,Bursts into flames, Turns $(user) and $(touser) into GODS]; a[Math.floor(Math.random()*a.length)] + b[Math.floor(Math.random()*b.length)] + c[Math.floor(Math.random()*c.length)])

the only thing I think it is missing at this point is a chance for it to choose between the $(user) and $(touser) on the results without putting it in the last eval set. The code is nearing 500 characters so I am not sure it is in the cards. Again I thank you for your efforts.

Well you can always save a lot of space by storing data and/or code on a Pastebin (I recommend making an account to be able to edit the paste later, the paste must not be private):

What goes in the paste:

const randomPick = (array) => array[Math.floor(Math.random() * array.length)];

const spellSuccess = ['Works, but', 'Works PERFECTLY, sort of', 'Fails, yet'];
const spellDirection = ['bounces off the wall', 'hits the ceiling', 'Fizzles out'];

let spellTarget = [u, t, `${u} and ${t}`, null];
let spellOutcome = {
  'withTarget': ['Bull Frog', 'Swing Set', 'Prickly Cactus', 'Sasquatch', 'Pumpkin', '73 Pinto', 'Wet Noodle', 'Deity'],
  'withoutTarget': ['Bursts into flames']

spellTarget = randomPick(spellTarget);
spellTarget === null ? spellOutcome = spellOutcome.withoutTarget : spellOutcome = spellOutcome.withTarget;

`${u} Casts a Spell on ${t} and it ${randomPick(spellSuccess)} ${randomPick(spellDirection)} and ${spellTarget === null ? '' : 'turns ' + spellTarget + ' into a '}${randomPick(spellOutcome)}!`;

And then the command code would be:

$(eval const u = '$(user)'; const t = '$(touser)'; $(urlfetch json https://pastebin.com/raw/XXXXXXXX))

Replace XXXXXXXX with the paste ID.

Thank you so much that gives me room to further devolpe the idea. What you do is very worth and again thank you for your energy,

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