Spam protection > remove Links doesnt work

the Bot does not remove links…
does this only work, when im Live?


Hey @RealPwned!

If the links that aren’t blocked are YouTube links, make sure you don’t have Song Requests on as it whitelists YouTube links.

i tested it with an amazon link and nightbot wont remove the link -.-

What platform are you testing on, and how are you testing? If you post links as the streamer, Nightbot will not be able to perform moderation actions against you.

And make sure the Links filter options are set properly for your usage.

spam protection > links is enabled.
whitelist tab is empty.

and i tested i with tan new created witch account and i posted an amazon link, but the bot
does not removed the link…

Have you made sure the Exempt level isn’t set to Everyone, but something like Subscriber or Moderator, or even Owner, depending on who you want to allow to post links?

my settings:

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