Spam Protect causes Nightbot Part Channel on YouTube!

I have a well-configured Nightbot and it works perfectly on my YouTube and Twitch Streams. Until I activate any Spam Protection filter for YouTube (I’ve tested each filter one by one), and then it blocks two or three user messages (deserved) and that’s when YouTube’s Nightbot Part Channel. I have to say that in Twitch Spam Protection it does work correctly and does not do Part Channel with the filters activated.

I would appreciate your help, Spam Protection is the tool I need most on YouTube. I will be attentive to the answers. Regards!

Make sure Nightbot is a moderator on your YouTube chat. It will leave if it receives an invalid permissions error from YouTube.

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Yes Nightbot is a moderator activated. I share one video streaming I made yesterday with Nightbot activated:

I have continued doing more tests and configurations and I have discovered that Nightbot can not do timeout to the other Moderators (real people) that I have (in Twitch it does allow !!). Then I have configured the Nightbot so that I do not apply any Spam Protection filter to other Moderators of my YouTube channel, and now everything works fine, since Nighbot silences timeout to people who break rules. BUT I need Nightbot to also silence other Moderators since I want everyone to follow the rules of my channel and I have many moderators (in the Nightbot configuration you can activate Exempt Userlevel only to the Owner, but that does not work). Any solution or future improvement for this?

As far as I’m aware, neither Twitch or Youtube allows moderators to time out other moderators, for obvious reasons. It’s not a bug and it’s completely intentional.

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