Song Requests Bugged?

So I’ll try to put this as I understand it, its pretty weird. I moderate a channel and I get to promote/delete/request songs from and switch the “Channels You Manage” when you click the icon on the upper right corner. In that page, sometimes it will say I request music/songs but I would never actually request it so I thinking its either a bug or my account is hacked? I have no clue, it happens very frequently and I’m always confused as to why it says I request that songs playing while I never did in the channel I moderate for.
Any ideas what this could be?

If you have no songs in your queue, and no custom playlists setup, it will always default to the monstercat playlist.

I know that, but this is the streamer’s playlist/song request nightbot site, not mine.

Whatever account loads the song from the playlist into the queue is who is marked as the requester. This is why it shows that you requested it on the streamer’s channel.

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