!so @user command

I am trying to make a shoutout command but the examples I found and tried are not working as intended. I keep getting my own name and url instead of the user I want or the url is not working since it has an @ in it.

The output I want from the command is:

Check out the wonderfull user and drop a follow at: twitch url from the user

Sorry if this is a stupid question. I’m still pretty new to streaming and nightbot etc.

Check out the wonderful $(touser) and drop a follow at: $(twitch $(touser) "{{url}}")

This is the output I get from the command @RokettoJanpu :
Check out the wonderful @user and drop a follow at: Unknown Twitch Channel

This will remove @'s in the input

Check out the wonderful $(touser) and drop a follow at: $(twitch $(eval decodeURIComponent(`$(querystring)`).replace(/@/g,``)) "{{url}}")

This command works thank you so much!

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