Recording/retrieving sighting/spotting time

Beginning to think Nightbot is a waste of time and effort.

Hey @John!

So you don’t want help on your previous issue anymore?

Haven’t had time to write you an answer yet, because what you’re looking for isn’t simple and I have a life, but I believe it’s possible. I just won’t spend time writing code if you don’t care about it anymore.

This forum is to help people set up the NightDev products/report issues, after that you’re supposed to be on your own, code is for advanced users. We’re not supposed to write code for you, it’s a favor we’re doing to you and others, and we’re nice enough to do it for free, because we could definitely charge for it.
So the least you can do is be patient, we have 14 days before the topic automatically closes, I’ll even often bump a topic (if I find it interesting) when I didn’t have time to reply to it and it’s about to close.

If you’re still looking for a solution, please answer with the following information:
• which platform are you on? Twitch, YouTube, Trovo?
• what should the output of the command “with all the info at once” look like? give us an example.

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Thanks but no thanks

Have a good day.

I’ve been googling everywhere for help on something similar and theres just nothing out there.

Im looking for help in how I can set up a !spot command on Youtube that takes the users name, their text after the spot command and the time of spot command and save it in a CSV file on my computer.

Its basically for wildlife streams so that a viewer can type ‘!spot Sparrow’ for example and the code would append Posters Name, sparrow, time of spot into a CSV file

Hey @Brett_Wolfe and @Urban_Wildlife-UK (similar post)!

One way you could do this is by using the quote system API. You’ll get your TOKENS by clicking on the second link in the post, use these in the commands I wrote. To know where to look for your PUBLIC_TOKEN and PRIVATE_TOKEN, look at the field bellow:


Keep your PRIVATE_TOKEN secret, don’t share it anywhere. To add a command containing your PRIVATE_TOKEN do it from the dashboard. Don’t use the chat as anyone could monitor it and copy the token, they could then edit your data.

Then you’ll need a set of commands:

  • !addspot — to add a timestamp:

    $(urlfetch$(user) $(querystring) $(twitch $(channel) "{{uptimeLength}}"))

    The stored data will look as follow: USERNAME SPOTTING TIMESTAMP
    Feel free to personalize it.

  • !spot — to consult the timestamps list:

    or if you prefer having a random one, where you can also enter a query to search for a specific timestamp:

  • !clearspot — to clear the entire timestamps list:
    :warning: make sure to set the userlevel of this command to Moderator.

  • !delspot — to remove a specific timestamp, call the command with the ID of the timestamp:
    :warning: make sure to set the userlevel of this command to Moderator.


:warning: Don’t forget to replace PUBLIC_TOKEN and PRIVATE_TOKEN in the commands I wrote above.
These are the only things you need to replace, for example many people replace $(channel) with $(THEIR_CHANNEL_NAME) and it causes issues: $(channel) is its own variable that does the job for you, if you wanted to replace it, you’d need to use YOUR_CHANNEL_NAME, not $(YOUR_CHANNEL_NAME).

Sure this doesn’t create a CSV file, but you can make it so by personalizing !addspot by replacing the spaces by commas, you’d then need to copy/paste the content on your computer and save the file.
To get the file without the quote ID, you can use the following link:

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