Read argument as variable?

Hi everyone, this is probably a basic question, but it’s my first time trying to do a more complex command.

So, what I’m trying to do is create a command to thank raids/hosts by tagging them, their channel url and their last game played by typing !customcommand username

I’m trying to get:
Check out the awesome streamer username on usernameurl! He was last seen playing usernamelastgameplayed

My code:
Check out the awesome streamer $(touser) on $(twitch $(touser) {{url}})! He was last seen playing $(twitch $(touser) {{game}})

What I’m getting:
Check out the awesome streamer username on username is currently offline -! He was last seen playing username is currently offline -

I’ve tried searching online for a solution but couldn’t find anything.

Thanks in advance!

Hey @yumesteiger!

You’re missing an important part of the $(twitch) variable: quotation marks.
You can also combine everything together.

$(twitch $(touser) "Check out the awesome streamer {{displayName}} on {{url}} They were last seen playing {{game}}!")

I updated the command to be gender-less too, since there also are women streamers.

Awesome! Thank you very much!

I was translating from spanish and didn’t even pay attention to gender LUL. Thank you!

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