Random or specific image showing up in timer

Hi everyone,

I can see some chat room of twitch streamer can show up image by timer, but I don’t know how to do it. I have lack knowledge in programming and trying to learn, I just trying to put " $(urlfetch the link of the image) " in timer message, but it said “Respones must be less than 400 characters.” How can I solve this problem? Thank you.

You can’t post ‘images’ in chat so i’m not quite sure what you mean by this. You could just put the link to the image in the message box and Nightbot would post that link to chat on a timer.

I can see some streamer will can show up an animation gif by nightbot. Here the link of the screen capture:

The custom chat reader in this case is loading the images from the link. This has nothing to do with Nightbot.

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