Question about BG Is not transparent BG IS allowed if the person, who is dancing on the gif allowed to show him AND his room? The gif itself

Is not transparent BG IS allowed if the person, who is dancing on the gif allowed to show him AND his room?

We aim to have the best quality emotes that we can. In order to achieve this goal, we have created a set of rules that emotes must abide by. The rules for every submission are stated on the right side of the upload page, if you have not read them yet.

We require transparency for much of the emotes submitted, unless the background is clearly intentional. If it’s clear to us that the emote you submitted doesn’t need a background, or if it’s black or white solid colors, it will be rejected.

You would need to edit the background from each of the frames before submitting it for approval.

My BG is clearly intentional. You see, some emotes (especially SourPls’based) have its BG with room, shop, whatever. And the thing, is my emote is about being used within the boundaries of, and I think it’s clearly not going to be used somewhere else except his or some users. The appeal could be a lil bit weird, but can you allow to upload this emote (The “dancing guy” has liked and even aprooved it to use on his channel, but by the rules it was removed). Even, If a lot of people liked it, current BG on this emote has its senсe and clearly needed. Ty.

You see, some emotes (especially SourPls’based) have its BG with room, shop, whatever.

SourPls has been an emote for a couple years, so special provisions are in play for it. Any other GIFs that have been uploaded since already conform to the new rules.

From the GIF you provided, there is no point to the background in the GIF. The room background is not necessary at all. If you want the GIF approved, you need to edit the background out.

But wait, here’s some thingies… As an example, this emote is allowed to use BG, that 2 (or 3) guys are actually could be dancing more nicely on transparent BG… I’m gonna say, Forsen’s room - it’s his never changeable place with never changeable camera angle (p.s. and when you ll try to cut all the “room behind him”, the colour nearly indetific on the whole picture, which is making hard to remove BG; its doesn’t even look that way good with transparent bg :frowning: not saying about some “blurry” segments of the animation and a “half of the head” in some parts of animation). His “plebs” really need it smile I respect you as an initiator of this great thing called Better Twitch TV, And I please you an exception in this, there nothing that impossible (its all about emote to look cool, and by the responses it is),even If a lot of ppl want it as it looks right now. I hope you will understand and let do an exception please BibleThump :]

We are not generating an exception, sorry. You can take the time to properly remove the background from the GIF, or it will not be approved.

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