How can I setup a command with a few possible outputs, via an array or something. I want this to include NO output and thus not post a blank message into chat.
Set one of the outputs to a single space. Nightbot doesn’t actually post a message if eval returns a space.
$(eval a=[`choice 1`,`choice 2`,`etc`,` `];a[Math.floor(Math.random()*a.length)])
Thank you sir!
I am trying to combine that with a check to ensure no additional arguments have been passed.
$(eval decodeURIComponent(
]; a[Math.floor(Math.random()*a.length)])
But it is failing.
3:46![Moderator][Verified]Nightbot: Unexpected token ';'
I don’t know what this code is supposed to do. Can you provide a cleaner version or screenshot? Are you simply checking for empty input?
I am trying to build a command (for example : hi
I am then checking to ensure that nothing was said after hi
If that is true, I want to provide an array of possible outputs.
I rewrote the code to check that
!addcom -cd=5 hi $(eval a=[`choice 1`,`choice 2`,`etc`];!decodeURIComponent(`$(querystring)`)?a[Math.floor(Math.random()*a.length)]:` `)
Not getting an error from this code. Not getting a response either.
I flipped the condition, it should work now.
What do you mean you flipped the condition?
Just means my code was off, should work now.
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