Pastebin Randomized Responses (Resolved)

Hi there! I’m trying to create a chat command that has randomized responses that are pasted in Pastebin. I’ve been looking through the forums here and have tried different things, but the chatbot keeps rejecting what I’m writing with different errors. So I’m hoping that someone will be able to help me rewrite this so I can stop getting errors!

This is what I am hoping it will look like…
Chat Message: !1v1 @nightbot
Response: @Sir_Mocha has challenged @Nightbot to a 1v1! Insert random response/outcome here from Pastebin.

This is what I put together as the command:

!addcom !1v1 $(user) has challeneged $(touser) to a 1v1! $(eval user=$(user); touser=$(touser); p=$(urlfetch json [](They decide to have a jigsaw puzzle race, but @${t} kept losing pieces. @${u} wi -;); p[Math.floor(Math.random()*p.length)])

And here is what it is responding with
Sir_Mocha has challeneged Nightbot to a 1v1! font-size: 12px

Hiya, this is without testing, but you definitetly need the Raw pastebin: so use

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Revisited this, and using raw worked! Thank you so much!