I have found a command in which it tells you the moderators who are online
$(eval mods=$(urlfetch json https://tmi.twitch.tv/group/user/$(channel)/chatters ).chatters.moderators;bots=[streamlabs
];bots.forEach(b=>mods=mods.filter(m=>m.toLowerCase()!=b.toLowerCase()));/me | Mods Online: ${mods.join(
, )}
The emoji that represents : and a )
February 19, 2021, 5:04pm
I copy it all to the emoji (not counting the emoji) and all the text appears when I put the command
Oh! I understand, Copy the command without counting the emoji and then put ; and the ) That happens because before the command you have to put $ (urlfetch
March 5, 2021, 5:20pm
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