Hi, it is possible that you have already solved it here, but I do not know how to find it. Unfortunately, I don’t know much about Nightbot, I would like to ask. is it possible for Nightbot to respond to one command with two messages? I have one copypasta, but it’s too long for a message on Twitch, so I have to split it and I don’t want to do two commands because of it. Thank you very much for your help, have a nice day.
Please search on the forum in the future before posting you would have found this How to setup multiple responses from nightbot - #2 by RokettoJanpu that being said if you do have trouble with the chat limit while adding it let me know and that I can help you with.
Well maybe I’m stupid but I didn’t understand how to do it. We have a copypasta, thing that someone told to my friend and it’s like some kind of meme. I want to add command !host, and Nightbot should respond with “Takže mě poslouchej, ty vyjebaná kundo, jestli tady jsi ještě na tom streamu, ty píčo, tady čumím na její vole obeésko a žádný raid ani host tady nebyl, takže jestli jsi takhle vymrdaný v té hlavě, a to ti je osmnáct, to lituju nejen tvojí mámu, ale i tvojeho tátu za to, že tě vůbec zplodili. Myslím si, že by bylo mnohem jednodušší, kdyby tvůj táta vyšukal tvojí matku do huby a ta tě plivla do hajzlu. Ty jsi totálně vymatlaný kokotko.” in first message and with “Podíval jsem se na tvoje streamy a chtělo se mi normálně zvracet, ty jsi takový ten typický odpad à la Opat, wannabe Opat, který si myslí, že tím, že je toxická kunda, tak se někam, tak se někam dotáhne. Tak se vzpamatuj, ty osmnáctileté, vyjebané děcko.” in second message.
As I said maybe I’m too stupid to understand how to do it according to the thread you send me. I would really appreciate your help. Thank you very much!
Hey @petrkl1c!
That’s because you hit the character limit: 500 on Twitch, 250 on YouTube.
You can bypass this by doing the following:
put the first message in a Pastebin then save it as
with the expiration date set tonever
, preferably create an account. -
take note of the Paste ID:
edit the following command, the Paste ID field
and theMESSAGE_2
field:$(urlfetch https://rokbot.xyz/smm.php?msg=$(urlfetch https://pastebin.com/raw/XXXXXXXX)`MESSAGE_2&i=5&d=0)
Hello, I tried this but the input is “Error Connecting To Remote Server” maybe I messed up with settings?
I hope I understand it well, my command was:
!commands add !host $(urlfetch https://rokbot.xyz/smm.php?msg=$(urlfetch https://pastebin.com/cdivxf1S)Podíval jsem se na tvoje streamy a chtělo se mi normálně zvracet, ty jsi takový ten typický odpad à la Opat, wannabe Opat, který si myslí, že tím, že je toxická kunda, tak se někam, tak se někam dotáhne. Tak se vzpamatuj, ty osmnáctileté, vyjebané děcko.&i=5&d=0)
I think I fu*ked up, didn’t I? Thanks for your help and your patience with me
Haha, you messed it up a bit, yes, but it didn’t work for another reason, I corrected the code, and I thought it would work, but turns out it doesn’t, even with the other multiple message API @potatoeaterlove shared above, I suspect it’s because the first message has over 400 characters, otherwise I don’t know what’s the issue…
!addcom !host $(urlfetch https://rokbot.xyz/smm.php?msg=$(urlfetch https://pastebin.com/raw/cdivxf1S)`Podíval jsem se na tvoje streamy a chtělo se mi normálně zvracet, ty jsi takový ten typický odpad à la Opat, wannabe Opat, který si myslí, že tím, že je toxická kunda, tak se někam, tak se někam dotáhne. Tak se vzpamatuj, ty osmnáctileté, vyjebané děcko.&i=5&d=0)
Such a shame. But thank you very much for your help. I really, really appreciate it. Have a nice day and thank you very much again.
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