Not Seeing NightBot Interactions in My Chat Window

Starting last week, on two different YT channels where I am both a stream moderator and NightBot Manager, I am not able to see any of NightBot’s interactions/responses within the chat. I type in one of my preset commands, and I see no reply/reaction/response.

Tonight, one of our other moderators did confirm that he was seeing all of NightBot’s interactions, as well as NightBot’s having timed out a few users for SPAM violations. None of these interactions/events were displayed in my chat. I also confirmed that I was viewing the Live Chat.

Obviously NB is configured properly since everyone else apparently sees it - but I am at a loss as to why I am able to “engage” NB, but am not able to view it. Did something change last week on the backend?

Thanks in advance for any insight/assistance.


Hey @Nancy_Graziano!

You might have blocked it by mistake, have a look at your blocklist page with the account you use on YouTube, you might need to switch accounts at the top right corner, especially if you use a channel that’s linked to your Google account but that isn’t your Google account directly.

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