Nightbot solo responde algunos mensajes

When I type a command with a Nightbot variable on Twitch it does not respond but when I type another command that has no variable and only has a simple text the bot if it responds. I’ve already tried all the steps I show below but nigthbot still doesn’t work properly.

  • Make sure Nightbot is attached to your chat on the control panel.
    • If you recently changed your name on Twitch, you may try separating your bot and reopening it as well.
  • Nightbot should be a moderator in your chat.
  • Nightbot should not be banned in your chat.
  • If you are on Twitch, Nightbot should not be ignored in chat. (Write the chat in unignore)’/unignore nightbot’

What can I do to fix this problem?

Can you post the command name and command that your trying to use in your chat?

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