Nightbot permit command !permit Filters and more questions


  1. Last time i wanted to ‘permit’ a person with spaces in his nickname. So everybody knows, nightbot does not like that. I found somewhere, i can put channel name or ID, but it didn’t worked as well. How permit a persons with blank spaces? Could sb explain?
  2. Also i tried to enable links filter with command: !filters links enable ; !filters links userlevel moderator . In both scenarios, normal user could send a link and bot didn’t react. What i do wrong?
  3. Is there any tutorial about custom api?
    Thank you!

Do you mean on YouTube? You would need to use their channel id or a link to their channel.

Do you have an example link that didn’t trigger a timeout? Since you’re using YouTube it can take 30 seconds for the bot to detect new messages and for you to see a timeout/message deletion.

No tutorial, but documentation is available at

Yes, forgot to mention about the platform. I think, tried that, but didn’t work at all. For example, let’s take account “The king of random”. In my guess i should type: “!permit” or “!permit 01032010814” am i right? If so, that didn’t work, when i tried that on stream(i’m a moderator).

So somebody can paste a link and nightbot can react after 30sec? I didn’t notice such a big delay on reaction, normally it takes about 5 sec.
Somebody pasted a link to the YT page, wikipedia and some random spamming phishing links, which i don’t remember and should be blocked immediately. I think bot would not react wherever link would come from. Of course, when i typed !filters links, bot responses - enabled. Only sometimes gave warnings about spamming emotes, not links. When that seems broken, am i able to block all links, that the user will not be able to click enter to send a message which contain link?

There you go again today. Bots attacks whole stream, using different account every time nightbot%20link

Sorry for the delays.

So after doing some research it looks like YouTube does not permit links to be posted anymore at all unless you’re a moderator. I guess that’s how they “solved” an issue they were having with spam. lol.

These spam bots may be somehow bypassing whatever link filtering YouTube does natively. Unfortunately without having the example message in logs I can’t really debug it.

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