Nightbot Isn't Working on YouTube

Hey guys,

I have been having this issue since I got Nightbot on YouTube. I’ve had it on Twitch for quite a while, with no problems whatsoever. However, as soon as I went to YouTube’s part of things, I got no response ever to any of the commands. The Nightbot is a moderator in my chat, and he is not banned in chat either. What can I do? All of the custom commands are set up EXACTLY like they are over on Twitch, and yet I still can’t seem to get Nightbot to work on YouTube.


Due to YouTube limitations you may have to be live order for Nightbot to receive chat, also the stream needs to be public, not unlisted.

So, I’ve found out why it wasn’t working. My videos were public, and I was live during the testing. The reason it wasn’t working is because I didn’t join the channel, which in my opinion, is really annoying due to me having linked my YT account to my Nightbot account, AND having modded the channel, but it’s alright.

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