Nightbot is not working for YouTube

I attempt to use !commands on my live stream and nothing happens. Yet my consoles tts feature picks it up and says everything although my devices won’t pick up the message. Is there a way to fix?

Make sure that you add Nightbot profile to your Moderator list.

YouTube Help:

Go to Nighbot pannel and restart/rejoin with nightbot.

But I made sure that Nightbot was a moderator. It is. But let me double check so I can confirm

Can confirm. Nightbot is a moderator

Ensure Nightbot is modded in your chat, that it hasn’t been banned, and that your stream is live. Nightbot will automatically leave if the first two are not performed, and will temporarily leave when your stream is offline (only to return when it is live again).

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Hello my nightbot is in chat but when I type a command it does not answer commant do ??? thank you

If Nightbot is in your chat it can take up to a minute to reply depending on the activity of your chat.

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