Nightbot cant Join

As soon as i press the Join button it shows me the “part Channel” but as soon as i refresh the website it still shows me “join Channel”.
The Bot is also not working in the chat, so i think he doesnt even connect to the chat.
I waited a few minutes and also logged in with the correct account with the beta.nightbot link.

If you are using YouTube, then it’s leaving your channel because it’s unable to join it. Ensure your chat is enabled on YouTube, that you’ve modded it, and that you’ve not banned it.

Ok the bot was banned, but now he joins the chat for a few minutes and timeout some people who are spamming, after that he doesnt respond anymore, and when i refresh the nightbot site it still shows me the “join channel” button.

[Im using YoutTube]
The bot is modded, chat is public and ofc enabled, he is not banned or anything. He just joins the chat act a bit, than he is like afk. In the Webpanel it still shows me to join chat.

If the control panel shows it as parted, then that is because it encountered a fatal error reading or acting in your chat and it left. Unfortunately we have no ability to fix that. Ensure your chat is enabled on YouTube, that you’ve modded it, and that you’ve not banned it.

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