Nightbot autodj spotify VS Youtube and soundcloud


I’ve red all the similar topics but haven’t found the solution.

In nightbot, i’ve selected channel as playlist. I’ve limited the playlist so only songs from the channel can be played. Search provider has been set as Youtube. I have nightbot app and spotify app on. The spotify autodj setting is off. Running on desktop win 10.

At first I had the 3 providers selected and because of the playlist being under construction, only had spotify songs in it. Untill there everything was working fine.

The troubles started when I’ve added songs from YT and soundcloud. When a spotify’s song come up, it plays well but nightbot wouldn’t play the other ones, focusing only on the next spotify song in the playlist, no matter the order of the requested songs. I’ve tried to clear the queue, turning everything off and then on again, no way. I had to delete all the spotify’s songs and now I got again the autodj working fine.

So now basically I have to choose between spotify VS youtube and soundcloud.

Got other streamers friend who encounter the same problem and have droped spotify or the 2 others.

Thanks for reading and for help.

Sounds like you need to disable the Autoplay setting on Spotify:

If you read again my message, it has already been done before the problem.
More, the spotify songs that were playing (and blocking) despite the song request were only the ones i’ve added to my playlist and not random one’s from the autoplay … obviously because it was disabled.
Again, after having deleted them all, autodj was working fine again.

Sorry but your previous post had no mention of the Autoplay setting.

I cannot replicate the issues you are experiencing, the app seems to be correctly playing songs between Spotify and YouTube requests without skipping queue tracks. If you can find steps for us to reproduce this issues, that would be very helpful.

Ok, as i’m in a building phase and already struggling with so much details, i’ll give another shot to spotify and try to document you about that trouble. I’m quite sure i’m not the only one who has that problem reading all that ppl complaining abt autodj not working or blocking on a song … i had the luck to notice it was all about spotify … plus i have a friend who has banned YT et soundcloud from his list because nightbot wasnt working.

FYI : i mentionnend the autoplay in my first post but misnamed him “The spotify autodj” :wink:

Thanks for help, i’ll keep you posted

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