Nightbot App for Linux?


I notice there’s Nightbot App in Beta for Windows and Mac. Are there any plans to port this app to Linux?

I use Linux and I would to use some of the features that the Nightbot App provides.

Thanks in advance!

Unfortunately because Linux is such a small base of streamers we are not considering supporting Nightbot’s Beta App on Linux at this time. It’s possible once we eventually get past the beta we may release a Linux version, but since the app is mostly just a wrapper for our control panel it doesn’t really provide much extra functionality besides Spotify support (which doesn’t work because Spotify is unsupported on Linux).

That is actually wrong. There is a larger base than you think. Especially since DOTA 2 is native to Linux. Spotify works absolutely perfect in Linux. I have literally used it every day for the past 5 years. It just isn’t supported by the Spotify support team.

I consider it a cop out to not create an app for Linux. Hell you could even use JAVA to create one app and easily port it between Mac/Linux/Windows.

So, i am a linux user myself. What night said is not wrong at all. Of streamers out there probably 99% of them use Windows because it has been the most supported for streaming for a while. OBS multiplatform has only been the recommended standard for a short time so Linux users is a much smaller audience of streaming than even normal desktop users.

Also the support for the Spotify app is important because it needs to work the same on the backend for nightbot to properly function as it does. If there are any differences at all it could break functionality with the Spotify support (and they likely are different because it’s unsupported).

Also saying it could be made in Java completely undermines the work that is already put into the app and how it actually works. It’s fundamentally different and would take a lot more work to completely rewrite it as well as get the original functionality exactly the same.

Except for the fact that if they used the Spotify API and not the app directly. That wouldn’t be an issue. The API would be the same either way.

I am not trying to “undermine” anyone’s work. I have been streaming on Linux using Simple Screen Recorder for quite a while now. OBS has been an afterthought for me. There is plenty of options out there, including creating my own Java app using the Spotify API to do the same things this app does. It is just frustrating they won’t opt to support Linux.

Except for the fact that if they used the Spotify API and not the app directly. That wouldn’t be an issue. The API would be the same either way.

Spotify doesn’t have a standard API for controlling its client. They have an undocumented/unsupported one we are using that only works on Windows and OSX.

It is just frustrating they won’t opt to support Linux.

Nobody said we wouldn’t eventually support it. We said we don’t have a client for Linux yet and we are not building one while our app is in beta.

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