Hi, this is my first time creating a forum account and giving feedback/troubleshooting because i really like using Nightbot, so please let me know if i’m doing something wrong here.
Today I’ve tried the new Control Panel and found some issues:
The Play/Pause & other media buttons don’t work on Windows 10.
-I really liked that the old control panel took priority in the media buttons usage, so whenever i hit pause, it would pause Nightbot only; But with this update, the media buttons don’t work at all (tried on another PC and the issue isn’t the buttons, though i haven’t tried it on Windows 11 yet).
The window name changes with the song.
-That’s more like a design choice, but when considering how OBS captures audio and video, it’s an horrible decision. Why? OBS identify apps by the window’s title, that means every time you re-open OBS you’ll have to manually set Nightbot again and again if the same song isn’t playing.
When opening the AutoDJ settings, the song stops.
-Again, that’s more like a design choice, but I’d love for it work like before.
The design is very sleek/pretty and it feels more responsive.
-And i love it! Thank you for keeping Nightbot updated and online, I wish to keep using it and see it evolve overtime.