New Control Panel feedback

Hi, this is my first time creating a forum account and giving feedback/troubleshooting because i really like using Nightbot, so please let me know if i’m doing something wrong here.

Today I’ve tried the new Control Panel and found some issues:

The Play/Pause & other media buttons don’t work on Windows 10.
-I really liked that the old control panel took priority in the media buttons usage, so whenever i hit pause, it would pause Nightbot only; But with this update, the media buttons don’t work at all (tried on another PC and the issue isn’t the buttons, though i haven’t tried it on Windows 11 yet).

The window name changes with the song.
-That’s more like a design choice, but when considering how OBS captures audio and video, it’s an horrible decision. Why? OBS identify apps by the window’s title, that means every time you re-open OBS you’ll have to manually set Nightbot again and again if the same song isn’t playing.

When opening the AutoDJ settings, the song stops.
-Again, that’s more like a design choice, but I’d love for it work like before.

The design is very sleek/pretty and it feels more responsive.
-And i love it! Thank you for keeping Nightbot updated and online, I wish to keep using it and see it evolve overtime.

The issues with media shortcuts is a bug in the app build you’re on. We published a new version shortly after launching the beta to address app issues, which can be downloaded at Nightbot App - Nightbot Docs

We’ve also updated the window title to affix the current song instead, which should address your concern about finding the window in OBS.

As for the settings stopping playback, this is because we no longer leverage modal windows for settings. Modals are not super friendly when there’s a lot of configurable settings, and they also don’t work well on mobile devices. Given folks are not constantly configuring settings we don’t think this will be a big issue in practice.