I tried to translate the weather command but I think I did something wrong and since I’m not good in this can someone say me what is wrong with my code:
$(eval '$(weather $(query))'w.replace(‘Weather for’, ‘Wetter für’).replace(‘Conditions are’, ‘Es ist’).replace(‘with a temperature of’, ‘und’).replace(‘The wind is blowing from the’, ‘Der Wind kommt aus’).replace(‘and the current humidity is’, ‘und die derzeitige Luftfeuchtigkeit beträgt’).replace(‘No location provided’, ‘Bitte gib einen Ort an’).replace(‘Fair’, ‘zu dieser Zeit’).replace(‘Snow Shower’, ‘Schneeregen’).replace(‘Mostly’, ‘hauptsächlich’).replace(‘Clear’, ‘klar’).replace(‘Cloudy’, ‘Wolkig’).replace(‘Partly’, ‘teilweise’).replace(‘Sunny’, ‘sonnig’).replace(‘rain’, ‘regnerisch’).replace(‘Wind’, ‘windig’))
and is it possible to take out the degree F and the mph in the Text?
thanks I added now this: let wind = str.slice(str.indexOf(’ the ‘)+5, str.indexOf(’ at ')).replace(‘ESE’, ‘OSO’).replace(‘E’, ‘O’).replace(‘ENE’, ‘ONO’).replace(‘NNE’, ‘NNO’).replace(‘NE’, ‘NO’).replace(‘SE’, ‘SO’).replace(‘SSE’, ‘SSO’);
Do you know if it is possible to see the list of Country Names that the command is using?