My bot doesnt do anything

When i log on to my account everything seems to be fine but when i go online and stream on Twitch nothing happens when i type !commands. 1 week ago i tryed downloadding the StreamElementals Bot but i didnt work and now my NightBot doesnt work i’ve logged on to my StreamElemntals account and pressed on the “Part Channel” so the StreamElemntals Bot should be out of here but my NightBot still doesnt work.

What is your twitch channel name?

I’m having a similar issue with Nightbot. It’s not logging messages and it’s not responding to commands. My twitch channel name is blindcrafter.


Did you double check on all these:

Nightbot isn’t banned: /unban Nightbot
Nightbot isn’t ignored: /unignore Nightbot
Nightbot is joined to your channel: Click “Join Channel”
Nightbot is modded: /mod Nightbot
Nightbot’s default commands are enabled: Go to and have at least the default !commands enabled.

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