Music in't working

The music does not work in the stream. How can I fix it?

Hiya, can you elaborate, what isn’t working? The music does not magically appear, you will need to have a browser or Nightbotapp open on the AutoDJ page:

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Hello, thanks for your meesage as we are looking for direction for this… Let me explain… I stream on xbox. ive been using mixer for 3 months now. I am subscribed to botismo so i have been using that service for my streams. Its been working great until mixer took its broadcast button away because they are shutting down and last night was my first night streaming on twitch alone… It was good but my wife n i couldnt get the music to work for twitch. My wife put the overlays in obs like she did when she got mixer to work on streamlabs. We also tried to manually set the ip adress(we saw a video online). When we do this, the music does infact work and i do go livecm with the music but the actual stream goes black. I feel we ate close…She encounters that issue when she thinks she finishes everything. I go to turn on my livestream and instea of everything working… Now just the music is… Please help!:slight_smile:

The audio would need to be captured and sent through OBS from stereo mix on the streaming computer. I would recommend working with OBS support if you’re having trouble configuring the audio devices (as they are better equipped to offer support for their software).

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