Log Retention or CSV Export

Is there any way I can get longer chat retention or export the chat logs to csv? I need to be able to keep track of things said in my channel.

Any response here? Please help.

Hey @David_Frasca!

As far as I’m aware: no. However, you can use a third party website to keep logs. Or if you’re on Twitch you can use the /user command.

Is there something i can use to log youtube live chat history like this? I haven’t found anything good other than nightbot.

A quick Google search gave me 2 pertinent results:
A browser extension and a chat downloader.
I would personally recommend the second one as you can never know what a browser extension does, but the first one is simpler, so that might be your choice.
Note: I haven’t tried either.

We don’t currently retain log data longer than 2 weeks. What is your use case for needing to export these logs?

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