Is it possible to disable commands in the Beta?

hey is there a way in the BETA to disable commands like !permit and !commands ?


Hi nord_

Navigate to the NightBot Beta control panel. Under the ‘Commands’ header on the left hand side, click 'Default.'
Here you will be able to disable !commands - - as shown here, along with various other default commands that come with NightBot.

As far as I am aware, it doesn’t appear that there is a way to disable !permit at this time.

Hope this helps.

Yeah i already figured that out but that !permit works even if i disable the link protection from nightbot is a bit shi**y tbh :-/

Since the command is limited to moderators, it should not pose any issues.

So there are not any plans to make it again possible to disable commands?

You already can disable commands, just not !permit, as you already found out…

I am not talking about “” i meant more like that:

Unfortunately because the majority of users were disabling commands and contacting support complaining they didn’t work, we removed that style of system and it will never be making a return.

lmao alright thanks for your answers.

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