[Error] Request body is too large

Good day. Can’t add a smiley GIF. Writes “Request body is too large”. tried all the optionsБезимени-1 Безимени-11 Безимени-111 Безимени-1111 Безимени-11111 Безимени-111111

Hey @tut_dolzhen_byt_nik!

It literally tells you the GIF file is too large to be uploaded, you need to compress it, I can recommend this website.

Automatic compression didn’t help. Tell me what is the maximum size

I did everything manually, reduced the duration of the hyphas by about 2 times. ): I wanted the length of the animation as available to all “SourPls”

I can see you didn’t even try the website I linked, if you’re not willing to put such low effort I can’t help you, your files are both 3248KB, the max file size is 1000KB:

Sorry. I tried the site. We managed to reduce it by 34%. But this is not enough.
But I coped with the task differently. I reduced the number of layers in 380, to 200. And sped it up a bit from 0.03 sec to 0.02 sec. size reduced to 800 kB

(UPD) And reduced the number of colors from 128 to 32


Hmm, weird, the visited website marker didn’t update then, sorry about that.
Did this work now that the file is 800KB?

Yes, thanks for the help. I think if you add information about the maximum file size in the description, there will be fewer stupid questions like mine. All the best <3

Awesome! And I agree, but I’m not able to add it. Also, no question is stupid if the information isn’t available. Have a good day!

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