I need help with a comm

I didnt know were i can write this, but i need help witch a com. I need rework commmand 4 StreamElements. Comm - ${customapi.https://twitch-dj.ru/api/get_track/47468}; b=parseInt(a.track_time); c=Math.floor(b/60);d=b%60; Трек: “+a.title+”, Заказал: “+a.author+”, Длительность трека: “+c+” мин “+d+” сек”}

Full list with sreamelements variables - https://streamelements. com/dashboard/bot/commands/variables

Here is the command:

$(eval r=decodeURIComponent("$(querystring $(urlfetch json https://twitch-dj.ru/api/get_track/47468))");try{a=JSON.parse(r);b=parseInt(a.track_time);c=Math.floor(b/60);d=b%60;`Трек: ${a.title}, Заказал: ${a.author}, Длительность трека: ${c} мин ${d} сек`}catch(e){`Error: ${e}: ${r}`.slice(0,400)})

To add the command through chat, send this message in your chat:

!addcom !song $(eval r=decodeURIComponent("$(querystring $(urlfetch json https://twitch-dj.ru/api/get_track/47468))");try{a=JSON.parse(r);b=parseInt(a.track_time);c=Math.floor(b/60);d=b%60;`Трек: ${a.title}, Заказал: ${a.author}, Длительность трека: ${c} мин ${d} сек`}catch(e){`Error: ${e}: ${r}`.slice(0,400)})

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